Arctic PASSION Online Seminar & Dialogue “Integrated Fire Risk Management - An introduction to INFRA as a new service by the Arctic PASSION project”, 12 February 12 PM GMT
In this online seminar, Arctic PASSION will present its “Integrated Fire Risk Management (INFRA)”, a web mapping service for wildfires. The platform provides a user-friendly access to relevant information on wildfires from diverse sources. Focusing on a local scale, INFRA collects, generates and distributes information on wildfires targeting non-scientific end-users like municipalities, as well as Indigenous Peoples and local communities. The service supports local fire risk management with an easy to handle interface, currently covering the test areas of Fennoscandia, Alaska/Northwestern Canada and Sacha-Yakutia. The webinar will introduce the service and its functionalities and is an opportunity to get in contact with the developers and give feedback.
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For further information: Arctic PASSION