The 29th International Polar Conference "Dynamic Poles and High Mountain Environments" is set to take place at the Mesnerhaus in Rauris, Austria, from 16 to 20 September 2024. Co-organized by the German Society of Polar Research and the Austrian Polar Research Institute (APRI), this transdisciplinary event will feature scientific talks, an extensive poster session, and will offer ample space for intensive discussions for polar and high mountain enthusiasts. Among the highlights will be a series of short presentations by early career researchers on their latest research findings as part of the German Research Foundation (DFG) priority program "Antarctic Research with Comparative Investigations in Arctic Ice Areas”, a prestigious public evening lecture, and a workshop by the "Association of Polar Early Career Scientists”.
Go to the Abstract Submission Form. Deadline for abstract submissions is extended until 14 June 2024
For further information visit 29th International Polar Conference