29th International Polar Conference 16 - 20 September, Rauris

The 29th International Polar Conference "Dynamic Poles and High Mountain Environments" is set to take place at the Mesnerhaus in Rauris, Austria, from 16 to 20 September 2024. Co-organized by the German Society of Polar Research and the Austrian Polar Research Institute (APRI), this transdisciplinary event will feature scientific talks, an extensive poster session, and will offer ample space for intensive discussions for polar and high mountain enthusiasts.

2024 Arctic Circle Assembly Reykjavík, Iceland, 17-19 October

The Arctic Circle Assembly will be held in the Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre, Reykjavík, Iceland, on October 17 - 19.The annual Arctic Circle Assembly brings together governments, organizations, corporations, universities, think tanks, environmental associations, Indigenous communities, citizens, and others for a comprehensive and democratic Arctic dialogue. The Assembly is the largest gathering on Arctic affairs. It is a place for international engagement, cooperation, and celebration.

European Polar science week 3-6 September 2024, Copenhagen

The 2nd European Polar Science Week is an important milestone in the cooperation between the European Commission and the European Space Agency. The event will take place from 3 to 6 September, 2024, in Copenhagen. The overall objective of the European Polar Science Week is to bring together the European polar science community and reinforce European cooperation for polar science.

More specifically, the 2nd Polar Science Week will aim to:

The Arctic Circle Berlin Forum, Berlin 7-8 May

The 2024 Arctic Circle Berlin Forum will explore the role of Science, Climate, Policies and Europe in the future of the Arctic. More than a 100 speakers in over 20 Sessions will participate in the Arctic Circle Berlin Forum, taking place at the Radialsystem in the heart of Berlin on May 7-8. The Berlin Forum will be hosted by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and co-organized with the German Arctic Office at the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research.

The deadline to register for the Arctic Circle Berlin Forum 2024 is April 29

Third EA International Conference 15-18 April 2024 - Tromsø, Norway

The 3rd International conference on the Ecosystem Approach to Management in Arctic Large Marine Ecosystems. Ecosystem Based Management in a Rapidly Warming Arctic - Sharing experiences and challenges. Venue: Fram Center, Tromsø, Norway, from 15th to18th April 2024. This conference will exchange current lessons and best practices for the implementation of EBM in the Arctic and examine how these practices reflects the knowledge, the goals, the advise, and the voices of the people living in and from the Arctic.

Artico: identificati i meccanismi che controllano le concentrazioni di black carbon

Un nuovo studio condotto dai ricercatori dell’Istituto di scienze polari del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, in collaborazione con l’Università di Stoccolma e l’ETH di Zurigo, ha identificato i meccanismi che controllano il trasporto in Artico del black carbon, un inquinante atmosferico che contribuisce al riscaldamento climatico, stabilendo anche la variabilità delle sue concentrazioni nelle diverse stagioni polari.

Convegno PRA - verso il prossimo triennale

In vista della stesura del prossimo piano 2024-2026 del Programma di Ricerche in Artico, la comunità polare nazionale è invitata a dare il proprio contributo di idee e proposte attraverso un veloce survey basato su cinque domande che toccano gli aspetti più importanti del programma di ricerca. 

Qui il link al questionario in cui potete trovare e rispondere alle domande: 


Finanziamento attività a supporto di ICARP IV

Il CNR, grazie al supporto del Programma di Ricerche in Artico (PRA), finanzia attività che abbiano ricevuto da IASC il patrocinio e siano incluse nel processo di coinvolgimento di ICARP IV (https://icarp.iasc.info/engagement/endorsed-activities/seek-activity-endorsement ). Informazioni su questo finanziamento e le modalità per presentare domanda si possono ritrovare al seguente link

Il finanziamento può arrivare fino a un massimo di 20.000 euro

Le attività’ dovranno concludersi entro il 31 dicembre 2025