Artico: la tundra si espande ad una velocità senza precedenti

Il fenomeno dell’Arctic greening consiste nell’espansione di vegetazione terrestre al circolo polare artico in un ambiente precedentemente coperto da neve o ghiacci e rappresenta una delle risposte più rilevanti degli ecosistemi terrestri al cambiamento climatico. Uno studio internazionale, coordinato dal Cnr-Isp e svolto in collaborazione con Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research e Joint Research Center-Eni-Cnr, fornisce dati scientifici su come questo processo si sia evoluto nel corso del XX secolo.

2025 International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation

The United Nations declared 2025 as the International Year of Glaciers' Preservation, accompanied by the proclamation of the 21st March of each year as the World Day for Glaciers starting in 2025. This is an opportunity to raise global awareness about the critical role of glaciers, snow and ice in the climate system and the hydrological cycle, and the economic, social and environmental impacts of the impending changes in the Earth’s cryosphere.

SESS Report 2024 - Enviroment in Svalbard

Il 20 gennaio, SIOS ha pubblicato il suo 7° rapporto sullo Stato delle Scienze Ambientali alle Svalbard: il SESSreport.

Il report, a cui hanno partecipato autori provenienti da 70 istituzioni internazionali, è articolato in 12 capitoli che riportano studi sui processi ambientali nel suolo, nell’oceano, nella tundra e nell’atmosfera. Quest'anno è forte la presenza italiana, con autori principali provenienti, dall’ Università di Firenze, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn , dal CNR ISP e dall’ OGS.

I temi trattati nel rapporto di quest'anno includono:

EGU General Assembly - Vienna, Austria & Online , 27 April–2 May 2025

The EGU General Assembly 2025 brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.

Arctic Frontiers 2025: Beyond Borders, Tromsø, Norway 27 - 30 January

Science and knowledge underpin all activities, events and projects at Arctic Frontiers. The Arctic Frontiers team work year-round with scientific partners and collaborators, for evidence-based discussions and decisions.

At Arctic Frontiers 2025: Beyond Borders, there will be seven science themes. These represent the latest developments in Arctic research and span the physical and social sciences, as well as technological developments and innovative methods.

Each theme is co-organised by a session committee and led by scientists from our partner organisations.

SIOS online conference 2024, 11-13 November 2024

The SIOS online conference is a biennial event providing a forum for those engaged in Earth System Science in Svalbard to network and share their latest results.

SIOS Knowledge Centre and the SIOS Remote Sensing Working Group invite abstract submissions from anyone involved in Earth System Science research in Svalbard including remote sensing, fieldwork and modeling. Abstract submission closes: Extended Mon 30th September 2024.

Arctic emergency management conference, 18-20 March 2025 Bodø, Norway

This is one of the first international conferences dedicated to a holistic view of Arctic emergency management. The conference will provide a platform for discussions, information exchange and advancing work on emergency management in the Arctic. It will highlight the importance and interconnectedness of different aspects of emergency prevention, preparedness and response in the Arctic.

The 15th Symposium on Polar Science, 3-5 December, Tokyo

The 15th Symposium on Polar Science hosted by the National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR), Tokyo, Japan, will be held from 3 to 5 December 2024. The NIPR is organizing this annual symposium to present and promote a wide variety of polar scientific research and interdisciplinary studies. We look forward to your active participation. The symposium will include both oral and poster sessions. Oral sessions will be conducted in a hybrid format, allowing in-person and online participation. Poster sessions will be held exclusively on-site at the symposium venue.