SIOS Marine Infrastructure Workshop - Online - 24 October 2024

This a continuation of a popular series of SIOS workshops on marine infrastructure that began in 2020, and it offers the opportunity to connect with scientists working in the marine realm of Svalbard and learn more about Svalbard’s marine infrastructure. This workshop will present marine infrastructures and time series around Svalbard and will include an update on the Atlantic-Arctic Distributed Biological Observatory (A-DBO) as well as a presentation on the European Marine Biological Resource Centre. 

POLARIN first Transnational Access Call for proposals

The EU funded project POLARIN invites the scientific community to submit proposals to access 49 Research Infrastructures (RIs) in both polar regions contributing to addressing the key research priorities.

Apply for accessing polar research infrastructures until the 28th of November 2024, 4 pm CET

For further information: POLARIN first Transnational Access Call for proposals


Webinar introducing the 1st POLARIN Transnational Access Call - 21 October 2024

POLARIN is an international network of polar research infrastructures and their services, aiming at addressing the scientific challenges of the polar regions. The network includes a wide array of complementary and interdisciplinary top level research infrastructures: Arctic and Antarctic research stations, research vessels and icebreakers operating at both poles, observatories, data infrastructures and ice and sediment core repositories.

Arctic emergency management conference, 18-20 March 2025 Bodø, Norway

This is one of the first international conferences dedicated to a holistic view of Arctic emergency management. The conference will provide a platform for discussions, information exchange and advancing work on emergency management in the Arctic. It will highlight the importance and interconnectedness of different aspects of emergency prevention, preparedness and response in the Arctic.

Chemical, biogeochemical, and physical drivers of the coupled polar atmosphere and climate: an International Polar Year 2032-33 planning workshop (17-22 novembre 2024)

The international  initiatives CATCH, PACES, BEPSII, ASPeCt and QUiesCENT will hold a joint workshop bringing together scientists and stakeholders with an interest in atmosphere-ice-ocean research focussing on chemical, biogeochemical and physical processes in the Arctic and Antarctic and links to climate change. Cold regions which are seasonally or permanently covered by snow and ice, notably the Third Pole, are also of interest.

Arctic Futures Symposium 2024 Brussels, December 2-3 2024

Every autumn since 2010, the International Polar Foundation and its partners have organised a multinational, multidisciplinary and multi-stakeholder conference on the Arctic.

Held in Brussels and free of charge to make discussions on Arctic issues accessible to as many Arctic stakeholders as possible, the annual Arctic Futures Symposium brings together local and national policymakers, Arctic indigenous peoples, natural and social scientists, academics, and representatives of industries operating in or with interests in the Arctic.

6° convegno nazionale Apecs Italia, Pesaro 3-4 ottobre 2024

il 6° convegno nazionale Apecs Italia si svolgerà Giovedì 3 e Venerdì 4 ottobre 2024, presso Palazzo Gradari a Pesaro. L'evento è nominalmente dedicato al 65° anniversario della formalizzazione del Trattato Antartico. Nel corso del convegno saranno trattati differenti ambiti tematici quali: Scienze della Terra; Scienze della Vita; Scienze Chimiche; Scienze Fisiche; Scienze Umanistiche.

Modalità di partecipazione: in presenza e online

Deadline per l'iscrizione e l'invio degli abstract: martedì 24 settembre 2024

SIOS online conference 2024, 11-13 November 2024

The SIOS online conference is a biennial event providing a forum for those engaged in Earth System Science in Svalbard to network and share their latest results.

SIOS Knowledge Centre and the SIOS Remote Sensing Working Group invite abstract submissions from anyone involved in Earth System Science research in Svalbard including remote sensing, fieldwork and modeling. Abstract submission closes: Extended Mon 30th September 2024.

Bando ISP-AR03-2024-BO, scadenza 20 Settembre 2024

Avviso di selezione n° ISP-AR03-2024-BO, prot. 300057, scadenza 20 Settembre 2024.  Pubblica selezione per il conferimento di n° 1 assegno per lo svolgimento di attività di ricerca nell’ambito del programma di ricerca DTA.AD001.376 Funzionamento e supporto Base artica Italiana Dirigibile Italia - Isole Svalbard (Norvegia), da svolgersi presso l’Istituto di Scienze Polari (CNR-ISP) – CUP B13C24002920001.
Tipologia di Assegno: A) Assegni Professionalizzanti