Lucilla Alfonsi

Lucilla Alfonsi is Researcher at INGV, Environmental Department, Upper Atmosphere Physics and Radiopropagation Unit, where she takes part, often with a leading role, to the scientific studies on the upper atmosphere related to space weather applications, particularly about the investigation of ionospheric irregularities from ground based, as well as from in situ measurements. She is also expert on the investigation of the long-term changes of the upper atmosphere on a planetary scale in the frame of Global Change studies and on the design and development of ionospheric scintillations models. She participated to Arctic and Antarctic expeditions to install and maintain upper atmosphere observatories.

She has been coordinator of several research projects on the upper atmosphere (ionized and neutral part) impact on technological systems.

She has more than 10-year experience on training undergraduate and PhD students and post-doc researchers and she has also a long experience in outreach about geophysics and polar sciences to not-expert public and stakeholders. 
Since 2020 she is member of the INGV Scientific Board.
She is author of almost 80 papers on peer-reviewed international journals and she is currently Associated Editor of the Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate and Topical Editor of Annals of Geophysics.

Lucilla Alfonsi