Michele Rebesco

Michele Rebesco, Born in 1964 in the province of Verona, have been an OGS researcher since 1996. He has a degree in Geological Sciences (University of Parma, 1989) gained on the ground: in the mountains north of Verona. And a PhD in Earth Sciences (University of Parma, 1996) earned at sea in Antarctica. He participated in six scientific expeditions in the seas around Antarctica and two in the Arctic aboard OGS Explora and other foreign research vessels. He study the variations of ice caps and ocean circulation in the past as a key to interpreting future climate scenarios. His studies are based on sediments excavated by polar glaciers, transported to the deep sea, and redistributed by ocean currents that cross our planet. He is author of numerous publications in international journals and for several years editor-in-chief of the journal “Marine Geology”.

Michele Rebesco